TRISHIELD TITAN is a pioneering fungicide + insecticide blend with Azoxystrobin, Thiophanate Methyl, and Thiamethoxam, ensuring superior seed treatment and drenching, protecting against early sucking pests and soil-borne diseases.
3-Way Action: A unique mix of fungicide and insecticide for seed and soil protection.
Systemic Protection: Safeguards both treated seeds and emerging seedlings.
Broad-Spectrum Control: Manages pests like termites, white grubs, and diseases like Fusarium Root Rot and Rhizoctonia Seedling Blight.
Crop Establishment: Promotes early growth and strong crop foundation.
Mode of Action: Systemic
Crop: Sugarcane, Soyabean
Dose: 100 ml per 10 kg seed
Available Pack sizes: 200 ml, 400 ml